Polish stoner/sludge/doom metal outfit Mag dropped their sophomore full-length album »Mag II: Pod Krwawym Księżycem«, out now via Piranha Music

Polish stoner/sludge/doom metal outfit Mag stream their sophomore full-length album, »Mag II: Pod Krwawym Księżycem«, which dropped on November 25th, 2022 via Piranha Music.
01. Pod Krwawym Księżycem
02. W tym domu wszystko było stare
03. Nekromanta
04. Alchemik
05. Tryktrak
06. Akuszerkx Cthulhucenu
Brought to life in 2018 and hailing from Toruń, Poland, Mag draws inspiration from the classic Sabbath riffage, the blatant heaviness of Electric Wizard and the relentless fury of black metal. All that topped with a hint of the occult and the psychedelic which altogether forms the band’s own interpretation of doom metal. Yet the vocals are perhaps Mag’s focal point as these levitate high above the instruments and instantly tap into one’s psyche.
April 2020 saw the premiere of the band’s self-titled debut which in turn saw a successful vinyl release soon after. The Fall of 2022 is said to witness the return of Mag with a premiere of their highly anticipated follow-up album. The time is nigh!

Photo by Bartosz Filipczyk
Order »Mag II: Pod Krwawym Księżycem« here: piranha-music.com
All music and lyrics by Mag.
Recorded by Emil Marciniak, Hubert Kos and Paweł Sagan at Chatka Studio – Zalesie, lipiec 2022.
Mixed by Grzegorz Kobus (pohuk).
Mastered by Michał Kupicz.
Cover design and artwork by Adam Bejnarowicz (Muzykografika).
Mag is:
Konstanty Mierzejewski – Vocals, Synths
Hubert Nadrowski – Guitars
Bartosz Filipczyk – Synths
M. – Bass
Emil Marciniak – Drums
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well