Doomed Confessionary: Derek Dooley (Glacier)

Photo by Matt Darcy
Glacier is a five-piece instrumental post-metal band from Boston, Massachusetts whose music fully embodies their name: a crushingly loud and unrelenting force.
Following up 2019’s bleak and monolithic »No Light Ever«, 2024 sees the release of »A Distant, Violent Shudder«, out on September 6th by Wolves & Vibrancy Records and Post. Recordings. Equal parts sprawling and claustrophobic, »A Distant, Violent Shudder«, set against the backdrop of the Dust Bowl, showcases Glacier’s uncanny ability to highlight a harsh beauty amongst the urgency and despair found within the shared experience of wide-scale traumatic events. This is Glacier at their most refined.
Since their inception, Glacier has played heavily throughout the Northeastern and Central US supporting bands such as Boris, Big Brave, Bell Witch, Junius, Nothing, Pelican, Conan, Inter Arma, Astronoid, Creeping Death, Dreadnought, Spotlights, Infinity Shred, Black Pyramid, Pray for Sound, Lesser Glow, Coastlands, Au Revoir, Shy Low, thisquietarmy, Come To Grief, and many more.
Can you say a few words about your band?
We are Glacier from Boston MA. We pride ourselves on being generally sad and oppressively loud. We have a new record coming out in September.
What was the biggest challenge for the band?
I think keeping the flow of fresh ideas constant and keeping our hearing in tact would be our biggest challenges as a band
What can you be most proud of so far?
I think I speak for all of us when I say we are most proud of our new record. It truly feels that we have reached a new level of musical arrangement, intent and delivery. I’m very excited to share this with those who care to listen.
What was your biggest regret?
I guess I’d have to say that I wish we had more content to push in our down time, however we are very meticulous and particular when it comes to our music, so it’s hard to pump out music just for the sake of content.
What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
We did POST. fest a few years back and I think that was our best outing. We played a few dates out and a show on the way back that were pretty fun. But the festival itself was top notch. We shared a stage with a few bands on our bucket list, we played really well, and I feel we were well received.

Photo by Ben Stas / Noise Floor
What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
I guess just how wonderful the people are. Everyone has a common goal and wants the same things out of the local scene and it shows in the way of an incredible camaraderie among the artists. And this stretches beyond just music and into all arts. Boston has always been a place from which art has grown, and the way everyone in the scene recognizes that and helps push one another to grow was truly inspirational to see and become a part of.
What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Knocked Loose – »You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To« is an incredible record start to finish. I’ve also been really into GEL and I’m a big fan of the new METZ record
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
Always play with someone better than you when given the chance, you’re guaranteed to learn something new. Also never wear shorts on stage.
What are your guilty pleasures?
I drink a lot of milk. I hate myself for it.
Can you say something more about current music scene in Boston?
It’s honestly incredible. You can find anything you’re looking for, from rock to hip hop, R&B to jazz. Metal, electronic, folk, anything you want. Which is why it’s so important for us to strive for the availability for practice spaces and intimate venues in the city. Low to medium cap venues started becoming more scarce in recent years, however it does seem that more and more places are starting to pop back up again. The community is recognizing the importance and it’s wonderful to see the signs of a flourishing local scene again.
Where can we see you live this year (concerts/tours)?
We’ll be playing this year’s RPM Fest in Montague MA on Sunday September 1st, as well as at the release show for our new record, »A Distant, Violent Shudder«, which will be held at Deep Cuts in Medford MA on October 19th.
What are your plans for the future as a band?
We will continue to grow and expand ourselves and our sound and hopefully reach new places we haven’t played yet. Bigger shows, bigger sounds, bigger rigs. Just continue to push ourselves to be all that we can be.
How can people best support your band?
People can support the band by preordering our new record via POST. Recordings (North America) or Wolves & Vibrancy Records (EU), and by coming out to Deep Cuts on October 19th to help us in celebrating the release of our new record.
Do you have any message for your listeners?
The world is unforgiving. Nature is a force. And we are all just here until it doesn’t want us anymore.
Also preorder »A Distant, Violent Shudder«. Thank you.
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp | Spotify | YouTube
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well