Doomed Nation

Sounds For The Lost Generation

Doomed Confessionary: Alex & Wally (Vast Pyre)

Vast Pyre is a stoner/doom metal duo based out of Eisenach, Germany.

In the end of 2021 Alex (guitar) and Wally (drums, vocals) were in the mood and got together to jam some stoner/doom tunes from Electric Wizard, Black Sabbath, Sleep etc. and hanging out from time to time. Genre-specific, they knew what they wanted. After some sessions and finding the right sound, they concentrated on writing their own songs – a few ideas got discarded.

Vast Pyre are about to release their self-titled debut album this Friday, August 30th, 2024 via Octopus Rising / Argonauta Records.

Can you say a few words about your band?
We’re an all new stoner/doom/whatever formation from Eisenach (Germany). Like many other bands we started during the pandemic and ended up here. Currently operating as a two-piece, our approach is to still have a wall of sound like there’s no tomorrow.
We will release our debut on August 30th via Octopus Rising / Argonauta Records. You can stream it on any possible platform or get a copy direct from the label.

What was the biggest challenge for the band?
Probably finding time to come together as we now live a two hour ride apart from each other, because Alex has moved to Leipzig for the sake of love, shortly after starting the band.

What can you be most proud of so far?
That we found each other with the same love for the whole psych/stoner/doom-genre, to shoot out some fucking good material to mankind. Also still getting all this together and even having found a label which supports us and releases our music is really beyond our dreams: Thank you Gero 🙂

What was your biggest regret?
Maybe that we both never really cared for Social Media which is now obviously unavoidable if you want to get out there and be heard. But we are trying our best to catch up with this modern bullshit. 😀

What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
Our debut show at the Burgbrand Open Air Festival, where we shared the stage with Eremit, which is our favourite german doom formation. Fairly said: That was our only show, but we are about to change that.

What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
Alex: No real surprises, but there is more great music to discover than there’s time to give it a listen. So it’s hard not to vanish in the swamp of this flooded scene.

What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Wally: Daevar from Cologne (Germany): They’ve got those catchy riffs and sound you’ve been looking for a long time. But also Black Mountain, who were years ago in my continuous loop and now rotating again, after I’ve seen them the second time on the festival Hoflärm this year, with an absolutely stunning show, which made you dance and cry at the same time. 🙂

Alex: Die Tödin, Hexenbrett, Eremit, Pisse.

What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
Alex: Not as a musician but as a human being: “It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice.” H.P. Baxxter – Scooter (1995). Deep shit there.

What are your guilty pleasures?
Alex: Modern Talking (German synthpop giants from the 80’s).

Wally: TruckStop. 😀

Can you say something more about current music scene in Eisenach / Thuringia?
Our hometown Eisenach has been sleeping a bit over the last ten years if you can say so. There was a time when there was a lot more going on here, mostly punk concerts. In the meanwhile, there are a few electronic music events here and there, but there is no real underground for the heavier folks anymore.
But there are still some bands and projects like Gloomster, Weltfremd, and not to forget Tønda, whose guitarist Jonny played the leads on our album.
And there is a small festival, called Burgbrand Open Air (as we mentioned above), which brings a mix of stoner, punk and metal together, below an ancient castle ruin.

Where can we see you live this year (concerts/tours)?
There is nothing planned so far. Feel free for booking us!!!

What are your plans for the future as a band?
Hopefully play some shows: We would really love to melt some ears.
We also have some stuff that wants to be recorded anytime soon.

How can people best support your band?
Listen to our music. Share it with your friends, your sexual partner, your family, your landlord, your co-workers, your boss and maybe the booking agency of your trust. 😉

Do you have any message for your listeners?
Join us!!!

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Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well

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