Doomed Nation

Sounds For The Lost Generation

Doomed Confessionary: Carlos & Omar (Bifäz)

Bifäz is a stoner/doom/garage rock duo from Cantabria, Spain formed by Carlos (guitar and vocals) and Omar (drums and vocals).

Emerging and conceived in pandemic times, the project presents a mix of rock, sludge and doom, with influences such as stoner or garage. They make clear their commitment to a dirty and noisy sound, mixing fast rhythms with more groove mid-tempos, with heavy riffs and primitive screams. In short, an explosion of bass and high distortion for lovers of muddy sounds.

With their debut album, »Extinción«, they take us to a dark place and time, evoking primitive human behaviors that are repeated over time and lead us to the destruction of our environment and our own species, suggesting a macabre destiny for humanity.

»Extinción« was co-released on December 5th, 2024 by Conspiración de Iguales (Cantabria), Demons Records (Barakaldo), Producciones Tudancas (Cantabria), Victim Records (Madrid) and the band itself.

Can you say a few words about your band?
Raw, DIY, pure, personal, non commercial, guitar, drums, distortion, rhythm, riffs, rage, gloom.

What was the biggest challenge for the band?
The biggest challenge for the band has been to create an album, compose and record new songs different from the demo (introducing lyrics in Spanish) that are more homogeneous among themselves and that the entire album is framed within the same concept.

What can you be most proud of so far?
Doing this for the love of music and the need to express ourselves, not for money or other interests.

What was your biggest regret?
Maybe when we played in a venue in Madrid where they didn’t promote the concert at all or show any special interest in the music, although we met some nice people from the bands we played with (Greetings and love for PIRA and LUME).

What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
It was very special to play at “Hazlo tú mismx por otrxs” in December 2022. It is a charity concert organized every Christmas by Producciones Tudancas (an independent label from Cantabria that organizes concerts and events and releases albums. Among them our recent debut album). It takes place at Rock Beer The New, a very special concert hall for us. The concert consists of a ticket in exchange for a toy that each person donates, and all the toys are donated to children and families with limited resources.

What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
The truth is that there have been no surprises regarding the music scene. We know the local music scene and where underground music in styles such as rock, punk, metal, crust, doom, etc. takes place because we often attend concerts in our region. This is the scene where we play with Bifäz at the moment.

What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Omar: I listen to the radio a lot, a lot of different styles. In heavier music I’m listening to Viaje A 800, Coltaine, Grip, Black Tusk, Tenue, Graveyard, Voul, Tempestat, and more.

Carlos: I listen a lot to a local radio these days. It’s called Pakito FM and it supports the local scen. Some friends broadcast programs like Steppin (reggae world) by Sara Puaj or Abrelatas Sónico (garage, rock, punk) by Lucy Kilmister from Rock Beer The New. At the moment I listen to The Dead Pirates, Idolos del Extrarradio, Teen Mortgage, Kuraia, Berri Txarrak, Kylesa, Acid King, Catatumbo,…

Photos by Juan Gomez Troyano

What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
We are not musicians but we have been able to create music.

Carlos: “Make things from your heart, not for fashion.”

Omar: “Less is more”, “Speed does not bring happiness.”

What are your guilty pleasures?
Omar: To walk, listen and enjoy the calm of the night.

Carlos: Skateboarding, music gear, craft beer and afterparty.

Can you say something more about current music scene in Cantabria?
There is a very healthy scene in our region, Cantabria (Northern Coast of Spain). We are a small population but there are many bands playing music of a lot of different genres. There are organizations, labels, associations (Los Bancos de Atrás, A.C. Octubre, Espacio Creativo J.M Illera, C.S. Itaca), concert halls (Rock Beer The New), and some festivals in the summer season that promote underground music, so it survives.

Where can we see you live this year (concerts/tours)?
We have played quite a bit in Cantabria so far. Now we are going to present the new album »Extinción« live in a nearby bar. But it is time to play further away in other provinces or cities such as the Basque Country, Asturias, Galicia, Castilla y León, etc.

What are your plans for the future as a band?
Try some experimental ideas, like using a bass guitar instead of a guitar. Play as many gigs as we can in different venues (as long as we agree to the conditions and they are not big promoters that monopolize the music industry), meet other bands and develop contacts and links with people who understand music in a similar way.

Did you have any special plans for New Year’s Eve?
We did our best.

How can people best support your band?
By counting on us to play, coming to see us live, buying our album on vinyl or merch, mentioning us in music magazines or supporting us on social media.

Do you have any message for your listeners?
We hope you enjoy the music we make and find it stimulating. Appreciate the balance between the different parts that make up the songs.

Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp | YouTube

Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well

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