Doomed Nation

Sounds For The Lost Generation

Doomed Confessionary: Ester, Mauro & Ivan (Maison Dieu)

Photo by Paolo Sciamanna

Maison Dieu is an Italian trio formed in 2015 in Senigallia on the Adriatic coast.

From the very beginning the evident chemistry between the three leads was clear in the composing of numerous songs characterized by a powerful sound but with various melodic and psychedelic ideas accompanied by lyrics sung in different languages ​​such as Italian, English and a new language created by Ester. The musical influences are very varied and the genre that comes out of it has been called over time as “Mystic Doom”.

From 2017 to 2022 the band took a break due to maternity and then in 2023, the first single, »Sei 6«, was released which helped the band to get noticed. So much so, that it fuelled a tour that reached 8 states in Eastern and Northern Europe. After the tour, the single »Ellys« was released, accompanied by a video clip that attracted considerable attention at a European level. In 2025, Maison Dieu plan to release their first EP »Herbacea« via Sliptrick Records.

Can you say a few words about your band?
Meanwhile thank you for this interview, we are Maison Dieu, trio from central Italy composed of Ester (vocals and guitar) Mauro (bass and vocals) and Ivan (drums). Read the next answers to know us better 😉

What was the biggest challenge for the band?
Let’s say that the adventure of the first tour was a nice challenge,more than challenge an adventure I would say…we left in a camper for 8 states of Europe and wild situations happened to us several ehehe.

What can you be most proud of so far?
We are proud of the feedback we got from the audience at our concerts, but also from the feedback we got from our publications on Youtube, our video clips attracted a lot of interest.

What was your biggest regret?
At the moment we have had no regrets in particular, we always try to make the most of the opportunities that come our way, and in time we will always try to take a small step forward.

What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
It was probably in Opole in Poland, every person present was completely engrossed in our music, it was fantastic!

What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
Very difficult to say,we really listen to a lot of different things and we often miss the new things as well, what can we say…we are very happy for the path our compatriots are taking Mass.

Photo by Davide Maglio

What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Ivan: Currently in the modern metal vein I listen to Falling In Reverse which I think are among the most complete bands in recent times but also Bad Omens, Slipknot, Motionless In White but without forgetting the great metal classics like Pantera, Iron Maiden and Metallica.

Ester: These days I listen to pagan/nordic music…definitely Vigundr, Wardruna and Chelsea Wolfe.

Mauro: My current listening doesn’t include a lot of heavy stuff, but if I have to name names I go classic, Black Sabbath and Electric Wizard.

What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
You never stop learning in the music business and there are multiple things to think about (not always actually centering music directly). Right now we can’t think of anything in particular. The important thing is to always stay open and never give up in the face of difficulties or one’s own shortcomings.

What are your guilty pleasures?
What are our guilty pleasures? Anything ahaha. We often talk about being able to do a concert naked someday…however, thinking about it, it wouldn’t be very strange in this age. Our real forbidden pleasure is to penetrate your soul with our music.

Can you say something more about current music scene in Senigallia?
Our area unfortunately is not very active regarding events and the like, for about ten years now there are only small situations where only bands of friends/relatives/acquaintances or bands from other parts of Italy and sometimes from abroad are considered, it seems absurd but we have a harder time playing behind home rather than all over Europe We hope that in time also in our country an ‘artistic expansion (in all senses) can take place.

Where can we see you live soon (concerts/tours)?
On January 24 we will kick off our tour to present the upcoming EP, we will start from St. Gallen in Switzerland…then move to Germany, Beglium and Holland and end with two concerts in Rome, to follow the tour in detail follow our pages.

What are your plans for the future as a band?
As already mentioned the next steps will be the tour and release of EP, anticipated by the release of a single. For the future we have many plans, definitely we have many songs under construction, but it is still early for anticipations, currently we are focused on the tour.

Did you have any special plans for New Year’s Eve?
This year we decided to spend New Year’s Eve relaxing but last year instead we were playing in Germany and it was quite fun and exciting.

How can people best support your band?
We would like people in general to assimilate our sounds, that they can come to understand deeply what we want to communicate with our art. Also, active participation in live shows and support in social media is basic nowadays, but the greatest satisfaction is when you see in the eyes of the audience the immense joy of being there with us through everything.

Do you have any message for your listeners?
See you around soon! Follow us on our socials to stay updated!

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Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well

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