Doomed Confessionary: Snoodaert, Basstaerd, Cerulean & Vellekläsjer (Kludde)

Photos by Piet Goethals
Kludde is a black/sludge metal band from Aalst, Belgium. Formed in 2001 by Snoodaert and Uglúk as a black metal studio project, they were strongly inspired by the second wave of black metal, using the concept of local folklore and named after an evil water spirit which roams the Flemish countryside.
Following their latest studio album »De Horla« (2023), Kludde released a split album with A Thousand Sufferings, titled »Het Pact«, on December 6th, 2024 via Consouling Sounds.
Kludde are Snoodaert (guitar, programming), Basstaerd (bass, vocals), Cerulean (guitar, vocals) and Vellekläsjer (drums).
Can you say a few words about your band?
Snoodaert: We’ve been around since 2001. In the beginning we played more traditional black metal inspired by mostly second wave Scandinavian bands. Around 2005 we extended our sound by adding doom, sludge and soundscapes in our version of black metal. Something we still do today. Back in the days it was pretty original since there were not a lot of bands who got the idea to mix for example Neurosis or Isis style of (post)sludge with second wave black metal. Thematically we are not black metal anymore since we are not Satanists or whatever. We tell dark tales about local myths, legends and folklore or real stories like the disturbing history of the notorious De Vis family. We bring them often in our own dialect.
What was the biggest challenge for the band?
Basstaerd: For me personally, finding a stable lineup was the biggest challenge. It is not so easy to find like-minded souls to crawl into a rehearsal room together for a very long period of time. When band members leave, for whatever reason, you always get knocked back a little anyway. It took a while but since 2016-2017 we have a good and stable lineup. And with this bunch we did tick off some things on our bucket list.
What can you be most proud of so far?
Cerulean: I think we pushed our boundaries with »De Horla«. We went above and beyond the usual convention of releasing just a music album. We collaborated with our friend and incredibly talented artist Wesley Dewanckel, who made around 80 illustrations, inspired by the story that we had written. So in tandem with the album, we also released a graphic novel and a fully animated video that covers the entire album, from the start to the tragic finish.
Vellekläsjer: Yeah, great accomplishments start with a simple but great idea. 🙂
What was your biggest regret?
Basstaerd: No remorse, no regrets.
Cerulean: Saying ‘yes’ to our drummer’s idea to make me animate the illustrations that Wesley made for »De Horla«. There is no word to describe the endeavor I undertook. ‘Underestimate’ doesn’t even come close. But with regret comes accomplishment.
What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
Basstaerd: This spring, we presented live the full video animation of our newest full album. It was a great experience to delight our home audience with this show with all the bells and whistles. The audience stood open-mouthed watching what was happening on the giant projection screen behind our drummer. These are moments you enjoy most as an artist: Enchanting your audience. Thanks to our frontman who animated the whole story. You can relive the evening again HERE.
Snoodaert: The response from the people who saw that show was overwhelming. That evening was pure magic and we still get a lot of compliments after. Since then we have played »De Horla« three times with the projections and sometimes people ask when we’ll do it again. But of course you need the right location and circumstances to bring a show like that. Something we for sure hope to do more in the future.
What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
Snoodaert: Not much of a surprise to be honest. There is a lot of great music, but the times of big revelations are long past by now. That overwhelming feeling of discovering something as you did in your teens or early twenties will never return. In addition, however, the never-ending search for the next unholy grail will never cease.
What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
Basstaerd: Power Trip, Secrets, Viagra Boys, Ratt, Fugitive, Killing Joke… actually a mix of styles. I’m not so fixated on a single genre myself. I am not sensitive to trends. So basically the things that cross my path and grab my attention end up on the turntable. It’s that simple.
Cerulean: This year, I’ve been addicted to the latest Blood Incantation album. I’ve been a fan since »Starspawn«, but they outclassed themselves and pretty much everyone in the genre with »Absolute Elsewhere«. I’ve also been listening to Opeth’s new album (»The Last Will And Testament«), which has been a surprise to me. »Morningrise« is one of my favourite albums of all time, but I’ve lost my interest in Opeth around the time »Blackwater Park« came out. So I didn’t expect to enjoy the new album this much. I also listen to Tzompantli a lot. A sort of doom-death metal with Aztec influences, I really like it. When doing desk work, I like to listen to Bohren und der Club of Gore. It’s not in the ‘heavy music’ category but it does appeal to our kind.
Snoodaert: I’m in a period where I’m mostly going back to my musical roots. Besides all the black metal classics I keep playing over and over again I also enjoy a lot of newer bands who keep the traditional flame burning. Stuff like Djevel, Paysage D’Hiver, Whoredom Rife,… or occasionally some sludge doom like the new Bongripper.
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
Basstaerd: I used to work with a musician who was a few years older than me and he kept saying: You should make and perform music when you are young and before you have children. Afterwards you won’t have time for that anymore. And that is largely the truth… If you make records as a largely independent band, but supported by a label in our case, it doesn’t stop at just making music. You have to worry about artwork, video clips, booking shows, etc….It’s a full-time job that comes with it. Add to that caring for a family and it quickly becomes very busy…I am fortunate to have a lot of free time during the week so that I can divide my time between family and music. Otherwise I wouldn’t write another note….
Snoodaert: Don’t care what people think of what you do and, above all, do your own thing.
What are your guilty pleasures?
Cerulean: I was thinking about Korn, but actually I don’t feel guilty listening to them.
Snoodaert: I like 80’s hitparade music when I’m cleaning the house.
Can you say something more about current music scene in Belgium?
Snoodaert: The Belgian scene is quite small with a band here and there that stands out. Internationally, however, Belgian bands do not make much of a breakthrough and remain mostly underground, with some exceptions. However, there is enough talent here. Despite the fact that Belgium is a small country, there is little cohesion among the bands. Often they are small circles with an each to themselves mentality.
Where can we see you live this year (concerts/tours)?
Snoodaert: In January, we will play a special one-time show in which we will perform the complete Nachtmaer album »Van de Mare Bereen«. Nachtmaer is a Kludde related side project which normally doesn’t do live shows. Each song will be sung by a different vocalist and will be performed with a unique projection show that will drive the audience to the darkest depths of their worst nightmares. In March we will do a show with our pact brothers of A Thousand Sufferings to promote our latest collaboration album »Het Pact«. And there are some other (Belgian) shows on the agenda which are not revealed yet. As for foreign shows, bookers: please get in touch. We would very much like to play more abroad with Kludde.
What are your plans for the future as a band?
Snoodaert: Start writing new songs for a new album. Do some live shows whenever they ask us.
Did you have any special plans for New Year’s Eve?
Snoodaert: Good food and drink with our loved ones.
How can people best support your band?
Snoodaert: Come to our shows, book us for more shows, buy our merch and albums and tag us for festivals you want to see us.
Do you have any message for your listeners?
Snoodaert: Same answer as above 😉
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well