Hidden Gems & Guilty Pleasures: Barbarian (Italy)

Barbarian (Speed / Thrash / Black Metal, Italy)
Barbarian is a three-piece speed/thrash/black metal band from Tuscany, Italy.
Since signing with Hells Headbangers Records in 2016, Barbarian have truly hit their stride. First came their third album, »Cult Of The Empty Grave«, which found the power-trio in fiery form – or, “Absolute Metal”, as they called it – taking all the rudiments of their first two albums and exploding the band out of the underground. Then, a year later, came a self-titled 7″, which offered an even rowdier take on their now-trademark blackened traditional metal. It also saw them touring the United States for the first time, spreading their dark gospel to untouched heathen shores. Then, in 2019 came their masterful fourth album, »To No God Shall I Kneel«, hitting a highwater mark with their “Obtuse Metal”.
So, what’s next for Barbarian? The “Regressive Metal” of fifth album »Viperface«! “Our approach to metal is regressive,” the band declare. “By means of metal retrogardism, we interrogate the present – do we really need so many sheep and shepherds today? Heavy metal is the whip, and you bleed!” Indeed you shall bleed across the taut ‘n’ tight 37-minute »Viperface«, thrilling to the high-octane Motorcharge of its seven component tracks. While “sticking to their guns” or even “more of the same” are backhanded compliments (at best) to other bands, Barbarian aren’t “other bands,” and there’s no reason to fix or falter from such a noble foundation as theirs.
For the earliest works of Omen, Celtic Frost, Manowar, and Running Wild are revered and recast yet again, the riddle of steel still pondered and pursued, as »Viperface« evinces that same uniquely Barbarian balance between the ancient and the fresh. Some of it may be darker or drunker or more uplifting or perfect for lifting weights or whatever – but this is 666% Barbarian at the height of their powers, not yet ready to descend from that mount.
Absolute Metal! Obtuse Metal! And now Regressive Metal! Step back or step aside with Barbarian’s »Viperface«! Released August 12th, 2022 via Hells Headbangers Records on CD and vinyl LP formats.
Courtesy of Hells Headbangers Records
• »Barbarian« Demo (2010)
• »Barbarian« EP (Ripping Storm Records, 2011)
• »Barbarian« LP (Doomentia Records, 2011)
• »Bunker 66 / Barbarian« Split (Doomentia Records, 2012)
• »Faith Extinguisher« LP (Doomentia Records, 2014)
• »Cult Of The Empty Grave« LP (Hells Headbangers Records, 2016)
• »To No God Shall I Kneel« LP (Hells Headbangers Records, 2019)
• »Viperface« LP (Hells Headbangers Records, 2022)
• »Mesmerized – A Tribute To Celtic Frost« Split (Time To Kill Records, 2024)
• »A Kiss Or A Whisper« EP (Doomentia Records, 2024)
Barbarian is:
Borys Crossburn – Guitars, Vocals
Blackstuff – Bass
Sledgehammer – Drums
FFO: Celtic Frost, Carnivore, early Sodom, Running Wild, early Bathory, Bewitched, Darkthrone, Backwater, Motörhead
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well