Hidden Gems & Guilty Pleasures: Martyrdöd (Sweden)

Martyrdöd (Blackened Thrash Metal / Crust Punk, Sweden)
Martyrdöd unleash intense raw Swedish crustcore with some black metal influences. Ultra powerful metallic käng that drags you into a world of darkness, anger and despair… This band has a distinct style within the strong tradition of Swedish hardcore. The riffs are raw and powerful, with haunting melody over a storm of raw sonic shrapnel. Two guitars trade off sledgehammer riffs and driving melodic leads. Guitarist Mikael Kjellman also plays now in Skitsystem.
The band’s crushing seventh album, as with prior Martyrdöd works, was recorded by Fredrik Nordström at Studio Fredman (Wolfbrigade, At The Gates, Agrimonia) in Gothenburg, Sweden. Martyrdöd states of »Hexhammaren«, “The album came out really strong. We tried to just let loose and not get distracted with details. The recording was straight up raw and sincere with fast takes and improvised solos.”
Martyrdöd manage to remain heavily unique in their filth-ridden approach. While undeniably influenced by acts like Anti Cimex, Bathory, and Totalitär, the band intertwines their crust roots with sinister, haunting soundscapes and unique blackened riff attacks.
Martyrdöd was formed back in 2001. While keeping true to the d-beat driven “Käng” crustpunk style they have managed to minister their unique melodious sound through seven full-length albums and countless live shows. In 2017 they signed for territory world with Century Media Records that released the bands 7th album »Hexhammaren« in May of 2019.

Photo credit: Pjär Karlman
The band also remains engaged with Southern Lord Records for territory North America. Southern Lord previously released the three highly praised albums »Paranoia« (2011), »Elddop« (2014) and »List« (2017). From touring the US with Black Breath, Europe with Rotten Sound and Converge, Martydöd has proven to be a most successful live act. The lineup has changed little throughout the years. The latest change taking place in 2018 had Tim Rosenqvist switching to guitar from bass filling up the void after departure of long time member Pontus Redig leaving the bass duties to newly reqruited and most competent Daniel Ekeroth.
• »Martyrdöd« (Plague Bearer Records, 2003)
• »In Extremis« (Havoc Records, 2005)
• »Sekt« (Farewell Records / La Familia Releases, 2009)
• »Paranoia« (Southern Lord, 2012)
• »Elddop« (Southern Lord, 2014)
• »List« (Southern Lord, 2016)
• »Hexhammaren« (Century Media Records, 2019)
Martyrdöd is:
Mikael Kjellman – Guitar, Vocals
Tim Rosenqvist – Guitar
Daniel Ekeroth – Bass
Jens Bäckelin – Drums
For fans of At The Gates, Wolfbrigade, Discharge, Anti Cimex, Skitsystem, Disfear, Black Breath, Amebix
Website | Facebook | Instagram | Bandcamp | Spotify | YouTube
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well