Los Angeles stoner rockers Somnus Throne stream massive-sounding new album »Nemesis Lately« in full; out today on Heavy Psych Sounds

Los Angeles stoner rockers Somnus Throne stream their sophomore full-length album, »Nemesis Lately«, which will be released this Friday, June 3rd via Heavy Psych Sounds.
01. Snake Eyes
02. Lacquer Bones
03. Dice And Scarecrow
04. L-Dopatryptamine
05. Rubber Tramp
06. Calm Is The Devil
Courtesy of Purple Sage PR:
Los Angeles up-and-coming psychedelic stoner doom trio Somnus Throne teams up with The Obelisk to present their massive-sounding sophomore album »Nemesis Lately«, to be issued this June 3rd on Heavy Psych Sounds.
“These guys might be the real deal. Their next record or two will tell the tale, but for an act who haven’t had a shit-ton of hype around them as yet, they just made an absolute monster of an album.” — The Obelisk
Following up to their excellent 2000 self-titled debut on Burning World Records, Somnus Throne’s sophomore album »Nemesis Lately« is a sheer collection of fuzz-drenched incantations brimming with LSD-fueled solos and entrancing vocal lines, a wall of sound of the highest order that plays in the same league as Sleep or Acid King, and also calls to mind the Eastern-coveting vibe of Dead Meadow when the trio goes further in their own shamanic expression. A true smorgasbord of all things fuzzy, doomy, smokey, sleepy and trippy, while managing to grasp the essence of each sound – perfect for anyone ready to doom, space, fuzz, headbang, tune in, turn up, and trip out.
Somnus Throne »Nemesis Lately« out June 3rd on Heavy Psych Sounds – Order here: heavypsychsounds.com/shop.htm#HPS226
Somnus Throne is a three-piece formed way back in 2016 in a cacophony of underground heavy music shows, leaking warehouse ceilings, and perpetual sedation of one kind or another. While their members have haunted many a ‘5 dollar-at-the-door, Monday through Friday no rent crash-pad, repurposed crack-house turned venues’ from New Orleans to Portland, they are based in Los Angeles, California. Their self-titled debut album on Burning World Records (of Roadburn Festival fame) in 2020 put them on the stoner world map, and they have much to offer to any listener craving fat fuzzy riffage and anthemic goodness à la Dead Meadow, Acid King, Electric Wizard, Sleep or Dopelord.
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well