Doomed Confessionary: John Silva & Paulo Brasil (Lamentos)

Lamentos is a doom metal band founded in Brazil in 2014 in the city of Salvador in Bahia. To date, the band has released 2 singles and a debut album, entitled »O Livro Proibido«. Released in June 2023 via Abismo Metal Store / Sangue Underground Records / Black Moon Records, the 9 tracks brings a perfect blend of doom metal from the 90s with elements of death metal.
Lamentos are John Silva (all instruments) and Paulo Brasil (vocals).
Can you say a few words about your band?
John: Lamentos was formed in 2014 in the city of Salvador, Brazil, as a personal project bringing into its compositions a melodic death doom metal inspired by the classics of the 90’s.
What was the biggest challenge for the band?
John: Our biggest challenge was the recording of the first album »O Livro Proibido«. The recordings took place at the end of the Covid 19 pandemic. It was certainly a very tense period. It was released in 2023 in Brazil by Abismo Metal Store and Sangue Underground Records.
Paulo: To me the biggest challenge was to sing in our language (Portuguese). Brutal vocals in Portuguese isn’t easy. But, in the end it worked well.
What can you be most proud of so far?
John: We went through a change of vocalist and generally this can drastically change the band’s identity, either for the good or the bad. But, we were lucky to have a vocalist with a lot of experience on the national scene, Paulo Brasil.
Paulo: We are very proud of the obtained results.
What was your biggest regret?
John: I usually say that everything happens in its own time. But, I really wish I had made some releases earlier.
What was the best concert/tour so far and why?
John: Now we are currently focused on studio recordings.
Paulo: Yeah, we don’t do it live!
What was the biggest surprise on the music scene for you?
John: I’ve been listening a lot to a German band called Decémbre Noir.
Paulo: Fossilization from Brasil, Blood Incantation from US. Their latest album is amazing.
What is currently in your heavy musical rotation?
John: I’ve been listening to a lot of things lately, but I always look for influences in the doom metal or melodic/death metal scene.
Paulo: A lot of stuff!!! Since 70’s classic rock to stoner rock, to funeral doom, to death/black metal, to any kind of DOOM…
What was the best advice you’ve ever been given as a musician?
John: Always create something with great seriousness and dedication.
Paulo: Never stop the madness!
What are your guilty pleasures?
Paulo: To smoke weed, fight the society, live the life as I choose. John haven’t got guilty pleasures…
Can you say something more about current music scene in Salvador / Bahia?
John: Here in our city, in Salvador, we have a very diverse scene of underground bands. We have a festival dedicated to rock/metal bands every year in February (Palco do Rock).
Paulo: Great bands, mainly into doom metal, few gigs, nice record shops. That’s it.
Where can we see you live soon (concerts/tours)?
Paulo: For now only in studio. No live performances.
What are your plans for the future as a band?
John: We will soon begin recording our second album, scheduled for 2025.
Paulo: Maybe to release an EP in English also is on our plans.
Did you have any special plans for New Year’s Eve?
John: Plan the next job.
How can people best support your band?
John: Follow us on social media, sharing and linking our music.
Paulo: Buy our albums. Subscribe to our channels. Buy fanzines. Keep things rolling.
Do you have any message for your listeners?
John: Lamentos are very grateful to the people who support us and who believe in our music, we will do our best to always be producing something with great quality for our listeners.
Paulo: Thanx a lot to you all!!! Stay DOOM! And thank you Bojan for your great support. Wait for the next release. For shure it will be slow and heavy.
Bojan Bidovc // music enthusiast, promoter, misanthrop and sometimes a journalist as well